7825 lbs of Hunger Fighting Pasta

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7825 lbs of Hunger Fighting Pasta

Oct 01, 2014


image5Local students joined forces with business partners and government representatives on September 29, 2014 to put the final touches on PastaBowl 2014.  The students added over 200lb of pasta to the already bulging crates of donated food bringing the grand total to 7,825lb!

This figure – nearly a 300% increase over last year –  surpassed all expectations and will stock seven local food pantries in the critical months before the holidays begin.

Though Hamilton County is not typically associated with hunger and food insecurities, Indianapolis Star reporter Cara Anthony revealed in an 9/21/14 article  that more than 27,000 adults and nearly 12,000 children in the area do not know from where their next meal will come.

Hamilton Southeastern Schools has observed a similar need.  The district has not only noticed an increase in need for free and reduced lunch support, but also is assisting students by providing food for weekend and school breaks.

The Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation knows when kids are hungry, they can’t learn.  As a result, the foundation partners with PastaBowl each year to raise critical food donations and hunger awareness.   This year’s food drive, sponsored by Meijer, is expected to alleviate the pressure on local pantries, as well as Second Helpings, by providing thousands of pounds of pasta.

The PastaBowl also challenges other high school football programs to operate similar food drives in their area.  This challenge was recently accepted by Guerin Catholic who will operate a PastaBowl drive during their 10/3/14 game against Brebuf.

Thanks to John DeLucia, Jeff Hern, Stacy Puls, the entire PastaBowl committee, Meijer, and the generosity of the HSE community hundreds of our students and neighbors will have access to basic food needs.

Click here to read additional information about PastaBowl
